We provide an unrivalled level of reserve transparency so that investors can always be confident that their digital assets are fully backed by the appropriate collateral:
daily account statements
quarter and annual audits by BDO Malta
on-demand verification for an onboarded entity
9 060 269
EURS in circulation
Backed by 100% EUR liquid balances
We securely store EURS reserves in Central Bank accounts, thereby mitigating any exposure to the risks associated with commercial banks, including leverage and duration mismatch risks
Daily statement
We update our statement on daily basis. Current working day for previous date
Daily statement
Quarterly verification
On-demand verification of STASIS reserve balances and accounts, provided by BDO Malta
Quarterly verification
Annual audit
BDO audit report for STASIS balances and accounts
Annual audit
allocationEURS Across Settlement Layers
Central banks and segregated accounts
9 361 350 EUR
Prime EU custodian
€ 0.000%
Lithuanian Central Bank
via Nexpay
€ 9 361 350.66100.00%
Swiss Central Bank (beta)
via Klarpay
€ 0.000%
Cash in transfer
SEPA/SWIFT network
€ 0%
9 060 269 EURS
€ 7 905 591.1460.98%
via 3rd party bridge*
€ 3 889 835.7130.00%
€ 0.000.00%
€ 65 163.000.50%
€ 1 079 515.008.33%
€ 10 000.000.08%
via 3rd party bridge*
€ 12 795.040.10%
Gnosis Chain (xDAI)
via 3rd party bridge*
€ 2 228.900.02%
*Users have the option to bridge EURS to these blockchains at their own discretion. Please be aware that this process occurs through third-party services, and Stasis shall not assume any responsibility or liability for the security of the bridged tokens. Users are solely responsible for any risks associated with the bridging process.